Recently, we’ve been to-ing and fro-ing about where we should publish some of the things we want to say. Because alongside this, we also want to showcase our work in a bit more detail than say, 280 characters. Medium? LinkedIn? Facebook? Twitter? Or just set up a blog on our own website?
Well, here we are.
After an incredible 16 years, we recognise that what we do, how we do it and who we’ve done it for, are just some of the things that get people talking. That’s great. But the purpose of this blog is to focus on the why.
We’re creatives through and through but we understand the importance of making an impact with the brand or organisation we’re privileged to be working on behalf of. So we want to start sharing some of those challenges, our approach and the creative outputs that really made a difference.
In case you didn’t get around to reading our wonderful ‘About Us’ section, we’ll give you the even shorter version.
There’s me (a creative with 26 years experience, worked in London but now out in the sticks of Leicestershire) and him (exactly the same). Would we swap our current set up for the big smoke now? Not a chance.
In case you thought it was just us, we’re currently a team of six and growing.
What you can expect from this blog is honesty about the work we have delivered, a few opinions about design or branding here and there, plus we’ll chuck in the odd company update.
Sound good to you?
Make yourself a cuppa tea (or coffee) and let’s get started.